


ブルームバーグの記事や外国人投資家の動向を見ていて思うのは、海外投資家はアベノミクスは信頼していたが、消費税増税には懐疑的。国内の投資家は アベノミクスは信頼していなかったが、消費税増税には楽観的だということです。もちろんいろいろな考えの人がいるようですが、おのおのの多数派はこのような考えのようです。



【消費増税 5%→8%】平均株価、前回は半年で23%下落 (1/2ページ) - SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ)






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 Japan Is Taxing Itself Into Trouble - Bloomberg View







励みになるニュースは、食物とエネルギーを除いた消費者物価の上昇です。この基準のインフレ率は、年率0.7パーセントまで上昇しました。 これは2パーセントの公式目標よりは低いですが、1998年以降では最も高い数値です。賃金も低下に歯止めがかかりつつあります。


 Japan Is Taxing Itself Into Trouble - Bloomberg View

On April 1, Japan's national sales tax will rise to 8 percent from 5 percent. Unless wages rise by an equal amount, the effect will be a drop in consumer spending. Japanese automakers anticipate a sales decline of as much as 16 percent during the next 12 months. Even if this isn't enough to push the economy into recession, raising the sales tax is a bad move that will undermine Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's agenda for the world's third-largest economy.


Ever since its economic bubble burst almost a quarter-century ago, Japan has been stuck with timid businesses that won't invest or raise wages, skittish households that won't spend and zombie banks that prefer to roll over bad loans to insolvent companies rather than finance new enterprises. Abe wants to break this cycle. The evidence suggests that his efforts, while helpful, will be negated by such a large tax increase.

The chart below shows household consumption after accounting for inflation and changes in population. You can see the slowdown after the bubble burst in about 1990, but since then the improvement has been steady.

From this vantage point, though, it's impossible to see the positive impact of Abenomics. Growth stalled after the Tohoku earthquake in 2011 but has since recovered. But the rate of increase has been slowing.

There are a couple of useful indicators to check if the economy can handle the tax increase. They suggest it can't. For instance, Japanese have been large net sellers of Japanese stocks ever since the big rally that began in the fall of 2012. Foreign investors have more faith in Abenomics than the people with the most at stake.

One consequence is that regular Japanese have missed out on much of the gains they could have reaped had they not sold so many shares. Greater equity wealth might have helped offset the coming tax increase.

A more encouraging bit of news is the rise in consumer prices, excluding food and energy. This measure of inflation has accelerated to 0.7 percent annually -- its fastest pace since 1998, although still slower than the official target of 2 percent. Wages have also started falling more slowly.

Things look less rosy if you include food and energy prices, which have risen thanks to the decline in the value of the yen. Since Japan imports almost all of its energy and much of its food, this form of inflation functions as a tax on consumer spending. If anything, the government should be cutting taxes now, not raising them. 

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ニトリHD<9843> H24年2月期決算 利益率低下も増収増益を確保


ニトリホールディングス【9843】、今期経常は4%増で28期連続最高益、実質増配へ | 株探ニュース

 ニトリHD <9843> が3月28日大引け後(15:00)に決算を発表。14年2月期の連結経常利益は前の期比2.1%増の634億円になり、15年2月期も前期比4.0%増の660億円に伸びを見込み、28期連続で過去最高益を更新する見通しとなった。29期連続増収、28期連続増益になる。



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銀行.info  - 世界主要株式市場の株価収益率(PER)

Seth Klarman Says Markets Are Too Bubbly - Bloomberg View

When Seth Klarman speaks, listen carefully.

Very few hedge-fund managers are as widely and consistently acclaimed as is Klarman, the 56-year-old founder of the Boston-based Baupost Group. The fund has about $27 billion in assets under management -- after returning $4 billion to investors last year. In 2012, LCH Investments NV listed Baupost as the fourth-most successful fund in investment performance. In 2013, Klarman told his investors that he earned them a mid-teens net return, despite having almost half of his portfolio in cash. That’s impressive.

Copies of Klarman’s 1991 classic, "Margin of Safety," a revelatory account of his investing strategy, can be had through Amazon.com, at prices ranging from $1,600 for a used copy to almost $3,600 for a new copy. Klarman solidified his street-cred when, in October 2009, he met privately for 30 minutes with William Dudley, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to discuss financial market developments.

So what does Klarman have to say about today's investing climate? The overarching message in his year-end 2013 investor letter, a compendium of wisdom, is that plenty of danger lies ahead, even though most investors are blind to it.

Klarman thinks the stock market these days is akin to a Rorschach test. “What investors see in the inkblots says considerably more about them than it does about the market,” he wrote. “If you were born bullish, if you’ve never met a market you didn’t like, if you have a consistently short memory, then stocks probably look attractive, even compelling," he added. He went on to list many reasons that investors may be turning a blind eye: Price-earnings ratios, while elevated, are not in the stratosphere. Deficits are shrinking at the federal and state levels. Consumer balance sheets are on the mend. U.S. housing is recovering, and in some markets, prices have surpassed the prior peak. The nation is on the road to energy independence.

With bonds yielding so little, equities appear to be the only game in town, Klarman continued. The Fed will keep holding interest rates extremely low, leaving investors no choice but to buy stocks, he added. "For now, there are no bubbles, either in sight or over the horizon.”

But for those “with a worry gene,” and who have an understanding that markets can also go down, “there’s more than enough to be concerned about.” Klarman sees artificially high prices everywhere he looks in the stock and bond markets. “A policy of near-zero short-term interest rates continues to distort reality with unknown but worrisome long-term consequences,” he said in the letter. “Even as the Fed begins to taper, the announced plan is so mild and contingent -- one pundit called it ‘taper-lite’ -- that we can draw no legitimate conclusions about the Fed’s ability to end QE without severe consequences. Fiscal stimulus, in the form of sizable deficits, has propped up the consumer, thereby inflating corporate revenues and earnings. But what is the right multiple to pay on juiced corporate earnings? Pretty clearly, lower than otherwise.”

He noted that the Nobel-winning economist Robert Shiller has calculated that the stock market’s price-to-earnings ratio is more than 25, “a level exceeded only three times before -- prior to the 1929, 2000 and 2007 market crashes. Indeed, on almost any metric, the U.S. equity market is historically quite expensive.”

What’s more, Klarman wrote, “a skeptic would have to be blind not to see bubbles inflating in junk bond issuance, credit quality, and yields, not to mention the nosebleed stock market valuations of fashionable companies like Netflix and Tesla. The overall picture is one of growing risk and inadequate potential return almost everywhere one looks.” In “an ominous sign,” he said, there are fewer market bears now than at any time since 1987. “A paucity of bears is one of the most reliable reverse indicators of market psychology,” he continued. “In the financial world, things are hunky dory; in the real world, not so much.”

There is also wild speculation in the credit markets, thanks to the Fed’s seemingly endless quantitative easing program. “Even with yields in the cellar, investors snapped up a record $1.1 trillion of high-grade corporate debt in 2013,” Klarman wrote. He pointed out that the issuance of below-investment-grade leveraged loans (bank loans issued to highly leveraged companies) reached $683 billion, topping the 2008 record by almost 15 percent, and that more than half of those were covenant-lite (bank loans with few restrictions on the borrower).

In addition, $63 billion of dividend-recap issues (in which companies float bonds to pay shareholder dividends) also set a record. Junk-bond financings totaled a near-record $324 billion. Bond buyers, desperate for return, bid up junk-bond prices to a record low yield of 4.97 percent, he wrote.

Klarman is eloquent when describing the dangers lurking in the financial markets. He says giddy investors are living a “Truman Show”-like existence, where on the surface everything seems idyllic. In reality, the manufactured calm -- thanks to the “free-money” policies of Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi -- anesthetizes us to the looming trouble.

Morphine is like that, I hear. “Inside the giant Plexiglas dome of modern capital markets, just about everyone is happy, the few doubters are mocked and jeered, bad news is increasingly ignored,” he wrote. “The longer QE continues, the more bloated the Fed balance sheet and the greater the risk from any unwinding. The artificiality of today’s markets is pure Truman Show.”

It isn't often that Klarman’s investment letters slip through his fund's carefully constructed walls of confidentiality. Because this one did, and it is so uncommonly wise, mere mortals should stop and take note. “Like a few glasses of wine with dinner, the usual short-term performance pressures on most investors to keep up with the market serve to dull their senses, which makes it a bit easier to forget that they are being manipulated,” he concluded. “But what is fake cannot be made real.”

Truer words have rarely been written.

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Bloomberg.comのWilliam Pesek氏のコラムです。



Kuroda Needs to Bridge Japan's Timidity Gap - Bloomberg View

By William Pesek
One year into its risky experiment with monetary easing, Japan has a confidence problem on its hands.

Let's dispense with all this "Abenomics" stuff. Until Prime Minister Shinzo Abe serves up even just one of the epochal reforms he promised 15 months ago, Japan's drive to end deflation and restore growth should bear the name of the man doing all the heavy lifting and taking all the risks: central bank Governor Haruhiko Kuroda.


As he marks his first anniversary at the Bank of Japan, Kuroda has some remarkable achievements under his belt: altering perceptions about the economy's prospects, producing a touch of inflation and keeping bond traders from panicking. Japan, after all, has the world's biggest debt burden among developed nations and some of the lowest yields -- just 0.6 percent for 10-year bonds. In the hands of a lesser monetary official, the BOJ's move to double bond purchases a year ago could have gone disastrously.

But this program needs a reboot. The best proof comes from the Cabinet Office, which reports that only 22 percent of Japanese think the economy is heading in the right direction. That may be the highest since 1998, but almost 80 percent of the population still lacks confidence in Abe's chances of success. Japan doesn't just face structural barriers to faster growth; it's suffering attitudinal ones, too.

The BOJ can turn matters around by doing three things immediately: increasing its bond purchases, becoming more creative with its monetary experiment, and shaming Abe to do his part, which is more important than the central bank's.

The case for the first step is amply made by a Brookings Institution study by economists Joshua Hausman and Johannes Wieland, which cites Tokyo's "lack of credibility." What's missing? Inflation expectations are difficult to ignite in an economy facing competitive threats from China and a fast-aging population more prone to save than consume. Creating expectations of rising prices, and the virtuous cycle that follows, is a confidence game. Until consumers believe, they won't spend more. If companies don't trust that things will be thriving 12 months from now, they won't invest, hire or increase wages. Hausman and Wieland say more "large-scale asset purchases" would help.

Paul Krugman was an early proponent of Kuroda's aggressive efforts to end the liquidity trap perpetuating deflation, holding it up as model to others. Now, the Nobel laureate worries that Japan is among the nations stuck in a "timidity trap." In a recent New York Times column, Krugman cited the arbitrariness of the central bank's 2 percent inflation target, which he argues is "lower than the situation really demands. And this increases the risk that Japan will fail to achieve liftoff."

Second, Kuroda can't wait for commercial banks to start lending. Near-zero rates aren't paying off because banks are content with holding government bonds. Monetary stimulus only matters when the lending multiplier has a chance to kick in. To get credit flowing, Kuroda should make the case for a special tax on excessive bondholdings.

Third, Abe must do his part. None of his promises to alter the corporate tax code, improve gender equality, lower trade barriers, open labor markets and craft a more rational energy policy have been fulfilled. If the prime minister wonders why Japanese icons such as Toyota Motor Corp. are increasing base wages by a piddling $19 a month, he should look in the mirror.

What's needed from Abe is a fresh commitment to restructuring, and Kuroda is just the man to get it. Abe chose Kuroda for the gravitas he brought to the BOJ. And the former Ministry of Finance bigwig and Asian Development Bank president did just that. It's doubtful any other Japanese official could be counted on to produce inflation without inciting a bond-market crash.

But the inflation Japan has gotten so far is the bad kind. With all of Japan's nuclear reactors offline, the country is importing huge of amounts of liquefied natural gas and coal at elevated prices. Higher fuel costs come as Japan raises the sales tax by 3 percentage points, starting next month. Both are big blows to households, businesses and Kuroda's odds of boosting confidence.

Kuroda might be able to cajole Abe out of Krugman's timidity trap. In private, Kuroda should play the honest broker that central bankers do in the U.S. and Europe, speaking truth to power. The message: If you fail to do your part, Mr. Prime Minister, all I'm doing is creating another asset bubble. In public, Kuroda should tie the deflation fight directly to structural changes. Unless he does, Abenomics won't work and it might take Kuroda's good name with it. 

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Bloomberg.comのRamesh Ponnuru氏のコラムです。




Janet Yellen's Bigger Problem - Bloomberg View

By Ramesh Ponnuru
Don't blame Janet Yellen for what she said. Blame her for what she's doing.

Last week, Yellen had her first news conference since becoming chair of the Federal Reserve. She said, in answering a question, that the Fed would probably raise interest rates "around six months" after its quantitative-easing program ends. The remark is being called a "gaffe" that caused stocks to fall. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 1 percent in the seconds after she made the comment.

Some of Yellen's critics fault her for being too forthright and specific. The Fed often gets knocked for being unclear, they say, but opacity has its virtues. This critique seems off the mark. If the Fed really does intend to tighten monetary policy six months after QE ends -- or roughly next spring, if present trends continue -- the market will have to adjust to that event soon enough. In that case, specificity would be no sin.

But Yellen's other remarks at the news conference suggest that the Fed doesn't desire to be ruled by the calendar. Economic conditions will guide its decisions. It expects those conditions to justify tightening early next year, but it isn't committed to tightening if conditions develop in some unexpected way.

To the extent Yellen's remarks were problematic, then, it was not because they made the Fed more transparent but because they made it less so. They may have been misleading about the central bank's intentions, making it seem as though the Fed were more eager to tighten money than it is.

The Fed's communications strategy is important, and not just because it can produce short-term swings in the stock market. Fed policies work in part -- many economists would say in large part -- through their effect on market expectations. So when the Fed leads the market to think that it's going to tighten monetary policy in the future, it tightens money in the present. A Fed that doesn't want tighter money but misleads people into thinking that it does is accidentally tightening it.

In this case, though, the muddled communications aren't a gaffe. They reflect a muddled policy. The markets are obsessed with every syllable Yellen utters because they're so unsure about what the Fed is going to do. Its behavior is difficult to predict. It has acted in an ad hoc way for the past several years and has never bound itself to any rule.

The Fed has not said, for example, that it would take undershooting its 2 percent inflation target as seriously as overshooting it. It has not said, to take another example, that it would seek to keep spending throughout the economy growing at a 4.5 percent rate each year. Either rule would make the Fed's behavior under various circumstances predictable and make it easy to see whether it had succeeded or failed in hitting its target.

What the Fed instead said last week is that its policies "will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments." There is nothing here that constrains the Fed's decisions or offers much guidance to those seeking to predict them. The statement might as well have added "the price of gold" or "the gut feelings of the Fed's open market committee" to its list of indicators.

Tim Duy, an economics professor at the University of Oregon, notes that the statement contains evidence of both "dovish" and "hawkish" intentions. The dovish side of the statement says that interest rates will stay lower than normal even after unemployment and inflation reach levels near the Fed's goals. The hawkish side is that the statement seems to treat 2 percent inflation as a ceiling. Narayana Kocherlakota, the president of the Minneapolis Fed, dissented from the statement in part because it didn't outline steps to bring inflation up to that level.

Adopting a clear rule would make it easier for the Fed to communicate its policies -- which, again, is part of executing them. What the Fed wants, whether it is moving in a more or less hawkish direction, would be clear.

But lack of clarity isn't the only or the worst thing about the Fed's policy that Yellen's comment revealed. The Fed, by statute, is supposed to keep both inflation and unemployment low. By the Fed's own definitions of "low," inflation is below the target and unemployment above it. Neither measure points to a need for tighter money; they suggest instead that money has been too tight. Under the circumstances, the Fed is spending too much time thinking and talking about when it will tighten. The entire conversation surrounding monetary policy is skewed toward tightness.

Before her term began, speculation had Yellen as a dove. In the first controversy of her chairmanship, however, she erred on the side of hawkishness. Which goes to show, once again, that the Fed is an opaque and unpredictable institution.

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「大きな過ちを犯さないかぎり、投資家が正しく行わなければならないことはほとんどない。」 ウォーレン・バフェット P264





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作業服のワークマン、北海道に初出店 札幌に9月  :日本経済新聞

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第4週週末の恒例、 資産運用額と日経平均株価指数チャートの比較です。


資産運用額と日経平均株価指数チャートの比較(2014/2/23) - バフェット流バリュー株投資で資産形成+




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「理論上、理論と実践の間に違いはないが、実際はある。」 ヨギ・ベラ P25




「投資は相対選択の学問だ」シドニー・コトル P178

 「面倒を起こすのは、知らないことではない。知らないのに知っていると思いこんでいることだ。」マーク・トウェイン P215

振り子の振動を正確に予測し、つねに正しい方向に動くことができたら申し分ないだろうが、そのようなことに期待するのはまったく非現実的だ。それよりも、 以下のことに力を注いだほうが、はるかに分別がある。それは、①相場が振り子の一端に達するときに備えて警戒を怠らない、②変化に応じて自分の行動を調整 する、そしてこれが最も重要なのだが、③サイクルの頂点と谷底で多くの投資家を完全にまちがった行動へと駆り立てる群集の振る舞いに、歩調を合わせない、 だ。P220 


特に、「15 今どこにいるのかを感じとる」でバイ&ホールドよりも、振り子の振れ方を利用して、リスクを減らし、リターンを増やすことを推奨していることが印象的です。(P220,221) 他にもたくさんの教訓が得られる良書です。

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2月首都圏マンション発売戸数、10カ月ぶり減少 大雪の影響で  :日本経済新聞


 一方、実際に売れた戸数の割合を示す月間契約率は80.6%と前年同月から4.2ポイント上昇した。好不調の目安となる70%を13カ月連続で上回った。積水ハウス(1928)が東京・港で手がける「グランドメゾン白金の杜 ザ・タワー」といった継続販売物件が即日完売するなど、販売価格が1億円を超える億ションが堅調だった。同研究所は「消費者の購入意欲は強い」とみている。18日発表された14年1月1日時点の公示地価で東京、大阪、名古屋の三大都市圏(全用途)が6年ぶりに上昇するなど、販売価格の先高観が購買意欲を刺激している。


  公示地価:三大都市圏6年ぶり上昇-アベノミクス、五輪効果 - Bloomberg

また、アベノミクス効果で円安・株高が進み、輸出産業を中心に業績が上向いた結果、トヨタ関連の会社が拠点を構える愛知県名古屋市(商業地3.7%)や西三河地域の上昇が目立つ。本社移転や事業スペース拡大も活発化し、都心5区のオフィス空室率 (三鬼商事調べ)は2月、7.01%と約5年ぶりの低水準まで改善した。

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現在の保有銘柄の状況(2014/2/15) - バフェット流バリュー株投資で資産形成+  




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テンポスパスターズ<2751>H26年4月期3Q 営業利益率低下が気になるところ

テンポスバスターズ【2751】、11-1月期(3Q)経常は24%減益 | 株探ニュース

 テンポス <2751> [JQ] が3月13日大引け後(16:00)に決算を発表。14年4月期第3四半期累計(13年5月-14年1月)の連結経常利益は前年同期比4.1%増の9.6億円に伸びたが、通期計画の17億円に対する進捗率は56.8%にとどまり、5年平均の70.7%も下回った。










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改めて、小売業で継続して好業績をあげることの困難さを感じます。 現在読んでいるスノーボールでもそのことに触れていました。だからこそブランドという無形の資産、「掘」が重要なのだと。


 京都きもの友禅 <7615> が売り先行。朝方に17円安(1.6%安)の1028円まで売られている。




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ヤマダ電機が大幅反発、2月の全店売上が27%増と今期最高の伸び | 株探ニュース
 ヤマダ電 <9831> が大幅反発。前場は12日に発表した2月の全店売上高(除く携帯電話)が前年同月比26.7%増と7ヵ月連続で2ケタ増を達成したうえ、今期最大の伸びとなったことを手掛かりに上げ幅を拡大した。ただ、4月消費増税前の駆け込みの動きがみられたとし、後場、4月以降の反動減を懸念した利益確定売りが増えている。


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純資産の最大??%を投じることもあります ~スノーボールより





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トレジャー・ファクトリー:2月の売上高は前年同月比7.9%増 | 個別株 - 日本インタビュ新聞社






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内なるスコアカード ~スノーボールより


人がどうふるまうかを大きく左右するのは、内なるスコアカードがあるか、それとも外のスコアカードがあるかということなんだ。内なるスコアカードで納得がいけば、それが拠り所になる。いつもこんなふうに説明する。”世界一すばらしい恋人なのに、みんなには世界一ひどい恋人だと思われるほうがいいか? それとも世界一ひどい恋人なのに、みんなには世界一すばらしい恋人だと思われるほうがいいか?” なかなかおもしろい問題だろう。 P61

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第316回 何もしない=マイナスの時代 | 堀古英司の「米国株式の魅力」 - 楽天ブログ





しかし、  ドル高円安だとはいっても1ドル110円を超えると政治的な問題になってくるのかなとは思いますが。

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との理由で今のところ、大きな影響を与えなそうだというBarry Ritholtz氏の見立てです。



Is Ukraine Dragging Down Your Portfolio? - Bloomberg View

On the first of each month, I send a letter to our investors describing what we see in the world relative to their portfolios. We always try to identify some “big picture” issue, usually one that is overlooked. The goal is to have our clients understand our thought process.

One of my favorite analytical devices is to compare quantitative data with investor sentiment. Pitting the cognitive versus the quantitative often reveals a “perception gap” -- a difference between investors’ emotions versus the underlying market data. Think of it as “what people are thinking” versus reality.

The news out of Eastern Europe is a perfect example of this. Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggressive military grab in Ukraine has been dominating global media coverage. Markets were off dramatically yesterday, with Russian’s bourse down 10 percent for the day. In the U.S., markets fell about 1 percent, although the accompanying media angst might have made you think it was triple that.

Unrest in Ukraine

Regardless, it is merely the latest global event that is dramatic, dangerous -- and mostly irrelevant to investors.

Why is that?

Some context goes a long way in explaining. To put the Ukraine's economy into some perspective, let’s go to the CIA World Factbook. The annual gross domestic product of the country is $175.5 billion. That is about 4 days of GDP in America. Indeed, the entire stock-market capitalization of the Ukraine is about the size of Walt Disney Company. Ukraine’s per capita income is a touch higher than Egypt's. In other words, it is not very economically significant.

Fortunately, the Russian incursion into the Crimean peninsula has so far been bloodless. It is possible that diplomatic efforts will keep the situation from turning into a catastrophe. None of has any idea how this will turn out. However, I can conclude that it is unlikely to effect your portfolio in a very meaningful way. No, the Federal Reserve will not change the “taper” because of what is going on in the Ukraine. Nyet, Crimea is not going to affect Friday’s payroll number. There might be sanctions, there might be a temporary increase in the price of oil.

It is not just Ukraine, but Russia as well. Last year, the total trade between the U.S. and Russia was about $38 billion (according to Census Bureau). In the European Union, Russia’s two-way trade was much more substantial -- about $280 billion. Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst of the Lindsey Group, further observes that Russia is “the third largest trading partner of the EU, and the EU is the largest trading partner of Russia. Also, up to 75% of Foreign Direct Investment in Russia comes from EU member states.”

The economic impact on Europe will be more significant than that here, but even that will be relatively modest.

Investors should be hopeful that Ukraine's revolution will not lead to bloodshed, and thankful that the market impact continues to be de minimis.

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ドル円為替相場と日経平均株価のチャートの動向と今後の見通し(2014/2/8) - バフェット流バリュー株投資で資産形成+














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ワークマン<7564>異常気象は好材料? - バフェット流バリュー株投資で資産形成+


ワークマン:2月の売上高、客数、客単価は3部門共に今期1番の伸び率 | 個別株 - 日本インタビュ新聞社






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フジ・コーポレーション【7605】、11-1月期(1Q)経常は11%増益で着地 | 株探ニュース

 フジコーポ <7605> [JQ] が3月5日大引け後(15:00)に決算を発表。14年10月期第1四半期(13年11月-14年1月)の経常利益(非連結)は前年同期比11.0%増の13.4億円に伸び、11-4月期(上期)計画の16.3億円に対する進捗率は82.6%に達し、5年平均の73.6%も上回った。



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投資信託の状況確認【確定拠出年金】(2014/2/2) - バフェット流バリュー株投資で資産形成+

インベスコ MSCIコクサイ・インデックス:18312023:緑


ま ず、最近一か月の動きです。上から順に外国株式インデックス(インべスコMSCIコクサイ)、新興国株式インデックス、Jリートアクティブ、日本債券インデックス、日経225インデックスでした。



現在のJリートの利回りは平均で3.67%で前月とほぼ変わらずでした(J-REIT一覧 - JAPAN-REIT.COM)。まだまだ動くような利回りではありませんねえ。



現在日経平均は前期実績のPERが23.57倍、来期予想が14.76倍です(国内株式指標 :株式 :マーケット :日本経済新聞)。前月より若干下がりました。


Historical Market Cap to GDP of Japan Chart - VectorGrader


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Barry Ritholtz氏のコラム記事を紹介します。引用元はこちらです。

Even Warren Buffett Can Be Wrong: Ritholtz Chart - Bloomberg View





Today I am going to make a somewhat nuanced argument about the dangers of indicators and metrics for valuing stocks.

Source: The Chart Store

Let’s use arguably the greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffett, and what he describes as, “probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment.” Buffett's favorite metric compares the total price of all publicly traded companies to gross domestic product. This metric can also be thought of as a way to judge the valuations for all U.S. companies relative to the total amount of U.S. economic activity. According to Buffett, when the resulting figure is above 100 percent, stocks are overvalued.

A Google search for “Warren Buffett's favorite indicator” will return several million hits and you can find dozens of articles citing the indicator -- it is most often used to prove that stocks are pricey.

The reality of its meaning is much more complex.

Ron Griess, who runs the Chart Store, has been looking at charts for more than 40 years. He makes the observation: “There are no bad indicators. There ARE bad interpretations of indicators. I place the Market Cap/GDP indicator in the class of indicators that is often interpreted poorly.”

Why is that?

Knowing if something has a higher or lower value compared to its historic mean doesn't provide much insight as to whether you should buy or sell it. Indeed, stocks can become, and stay, oversold or overbought for long periods of time. As some bulls will tell you, a persistently overbought stock is a sign of strength.

So what does market cap as a percentage of GDP tell us? The answer is: Much less than it used to.

Valuation relative to U.S. GDP assumes that the U.S. economy is the driver of capitalization. It really isn’t. Numerous studies have found very little correlation between current economic activity and the stock market.

Then there is globalization. The percentage of income that the S&P 500 derives from overseas activity is now about 50 percent, up significantly from where it was about 20 years ago -- in the 30 percent range. Given that half of SPX earnings are coming from overseas, comparing market cap to U.S. economic activity paints only a partial picture.

Finally, we have to consider the historical track record. This past weekend, Griess noted an interesting anomaly about this indicator to his subscribers. From the time Alan Greenspan first used the infamous phrase “irrational exuberance” in late 1996, stocks have almost always, by this measure, been overvalued. Since October 1996, this ratio has been measured as overvalued (above 100 percent) for all but 17 months (out of 208). That means, according to Buffett’s favorite metric, stocks in the U.S. have been overvalued 92 percent of the time since 1996.

Griess notes that “in a broad sense, it does provide some indication of stock market valuation. However, indicators go overvalued/overbought or undervalued/oversold and stay there for much longer time periods than one would think they could.” In the case of Buffett’s favorite indicator, however, that renders it more or less useless to the average investor.

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